UVGI is a proven method for removing volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and for killing or deactivating bacteria, viruses, mould spores and other pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in room air.

Application Areas


UltraCoil & UltraDuct systems destroy high levels of airborne and surface bio contaminants. Infections Aquired in Hospitals (HAI) can be a significant cost for the healthcare industry and is considered a preventable injury. Ultra IAQ systems are the ideal tool to help reduce nosocominal infections.

Pharmaceutical, Food Processing And Produce

Air quality and the risk of surface contamination play a vital role in pharma clean rooms, and in the production & packaging of food products. UV Sterilization of both air and/or surface of product or packaging by UltraHVAC UV systems can dramatically reduce possibility of contamination. In fruit/vegetable markets it can extend the life of the produce by destroying the off gassing (i.e ethylene) which cause faster aging.

Commercial Spaces, IT Parks And Schools

A WHO report suggested up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be subject to complaints related to poor indoor air quality, the leading cause of “Sick Building Syndrome.” According to the EPA, poor indoor air quality can directly affect the health of students, staff, employees, which in turn affect attendance and performance. Using UltraHVAC UV systems significantly improves air quality resulting in lower absenteeism and higher efficiency.

Benefits of UltraHVAC Systems

Better Indoor Air Quality(IAQ)

Greatly improves Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)and cures “Sick Building Syndrome” by destroying harmful airborne contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, mould and fungi

Eliminates odors

Reduces or eliminates unpleasant odors which may result from outside air or re-circulated air within the building

Greater savings

This helps to maintain a clean evaporator coil, thus saving time and resources on coil cleaning. Using MERV filters in conjunction with in-duct UV systems can reduce the need of HEPA