
With a growing awareness of the importance of drinking water disinfection and wastewater treatment, many governing & regulatory bodies have been prompted to make critical upgrades to their conventional Municipal Water Treatment Plants. This is to ensure that safe and pure drinking water is made available to the population on a large scale.

The demand for innovative UV Municipal Water Treatment Systems has been on the risen for a while now. However, here it is essential to ensure that the right investment is made in the best technologies that offer exceptional water & wastewater disinfection solutions and meet your specific needs.

As an ISO certified company with 2 decades of experience in water purification, First Drink Water UV delivers the highest-quality UV disinfection systems for municipal applications that are in compliance with the latest regulations. The energy efficient UV systems for Municipal water treatment plants designed by First Drink Water UV are resilient and robust products that are an ideal fit to process hundreds of thousands of gallons of water on a day-to-day basis. This ensures easy availability of drinking water to the masses. Plus, our high-output UV for Municipal wastewater treatment plants also help to effectively disinfect residential & industrial wastewater in the tertiary stage before it can be discharged or re-used in a sustainable way.

Be it building a new Municipal water treatment system or making large and small upgrades to existing ones or expanding the existing water treatment plant to include custom technologies, First Drink Water UV can assist you in all, with the solution of UV disinfection. In addition, by partnering with First Drink Water UV, you can be assured of acquiring high-performing UV for municipal water filtration and water treatment systems that meet stringent quality standards and offer flexible & cost-effective solutions that help reduce the operating costs.

For more information about the Municipal water & wastewater disinfection systems we offer, you can check out our applications below. Also, do get in touch with us if you have a query or need any further clarifications.